If you’re a new mother, you probably have a million questions running through your head. One of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is whether to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby. There are a variety of factors that play into this decision. Today we’ll focus on what is best for your baby’s teeth.
Breast Milk & Baby Teeth
Studies have shown that breast milk presents a lower risk of decay for your child’s baby teeth. The reason for this isn’t just because of the content of breastmilk itself, but also how it’s consumed. When your child drinks breast milk, they’re sucking only as much as they need. In a bottle the milk collects in their mouths before being swallowed. The latter increases the chance of exposure to sugars, which means a higher risk of decay.
Bottle Feeding & Baby Teeth
This doesn’t mean that bottle feeding with formula is worse for your child’s oral and overall health than breastfeeding. However, there are some considerations you have to make if you choose to bottle feed. First, don’t put your child to bed with a bottle since it will increase the chance of exposure to sugars in formula. Also, it’s even more important to clean your child’s teeth and gums after feeding them. You can wick away any excess milk or formula from their gums with damp gauze.
Special Care for Baby Teeth
When your baby starts to get teeth, you can use a baby toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste to keep them clean and avoid cavities and decay. As soon as your child’s very first tooth erupts, it’s time to start scheduling regular dental appointments to ensure their oral development is on track and that their baby teeth are cavity-free. Regular visits to the dentist can also help prevent dental anxiety as they get older.
Affordable Pediatric Dentistry in San Antonio, TX
No matter how you choose to feed your baby, know that our experienced, friendly staff at Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry is here to support their healthy growth and development! We accept a wide variety of payment options to make your child’s treatment as affordable as possible. Contact us to schedule an appointment!