Children’s Preventive Dentistry in San Antonio, TX

The way you care for your smile as a child has a significant impact on your oral health as an adult. At Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry, we place an emphasis on preventive dentistry and helping your little one establish healthy habits from a young age. With our friendly team, gentle approach, and a broad range of preventive services, we’re the pediatric dentist that kids love! Call us for all of your San Antonio kids’ dentistry needs today!

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The Importance of Preventive Dentistry

The key to maintaining a healthy smile is through preventive dentistry. Whenever possible, we recommend preventive treatments over restorative work. This will prevent unnecessary stress on both your little one and your wallet. It’s critical that you bring your child into our office every six months for a routine exam. These visits allow our team to track their development, oral health, and detect problem areas before a more extensive treatment is necessary.

What Does Preventive Dentistry Include?

The umbrella term “preventive dentistry” includes any treatment that is performed in an effort to ward off dental decay and damage. At Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry, we offer:

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Frequently Asked Questions

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When should I schedule my child’s first preventive appointment?

Your child should visit the dentist after their first tooth erupts. If their first tooth hasn’t come in by their first birthday, we recommend scheduling an appointment with us to ensure their development is on track.

What kind of procedures are covered under preventive treatment?

Your preventive coverage depends on your dental insurance and is determined on a case-by-case basis. If you’d like to know your benefits before your scheduled appointment, please call to speak with a member of our team.

How can I help establish good dental care habits at home?

One of our best pieces of advice is to lead by example and use positive reinforcement. Make it a habit to brush your teeth with them every morning and night so they can see you making it part of your routine. When you notice they’ve been taking ownership for their oral health, reward them in whatever way best suits your family.

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