Dental sedation is commonly used to help patients feel more relaxed throughout their appointment. In some cases, it may be the reason why those with dental fear or anxiety, or with certain physical or mental conditions, can still have their oral health taken care of. So what about dental sedation for kids? We understand that it may feel a little nerve-wracking considering sedation being used with your child, so we want to provide the main facts you need to know as a parent.
Types of Dental Sedation
First off, there are multiple different sedation options out there, ranging from mild to deep. In general, it’s best to go with the mildest option suitable for the patient, and our expert team will be able to recommend what’s best for their situation. These are a few of the most commonly used sedation types in dentistry:
- Nitrous Oxide
- Oral Conscious Sedation
- General Anesthesia
Nitrous oxide is probably the type of dental sedation you’re most familiar with. It’s also called laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is administered through a mask placed over the patient’s nose, resulting in the patient feeling relaxed and content. Once the mask is removed and breathing normal air resumes, the effects quickly wear off.
Oral sedation is administered through a prescribed medication taken a specific amount of time before treatment begins. The patient will be completely relaxed and won’t remember the procedure, but they aren’t asleep. This is often used for those who require more relaxation than nitrous oxide provides.
General anesthesia is used for extreme cases of dental anxiety and complex dental procedures, as it results in the patient being in a controlled state of unconsciousness.
Before, During & After the Appointment
Before any type of sedation is used with your child, it’s important that you have a discussion with our team about your kid’s medical history and what kind of medications they are taking. We’ll walk you through how you can properly prepare before your child’s appointment with sedation, including instructions on what type or food or drink they can have before their appointment. When any type of dental sedation is used, we will carefully monitor your child to ensure a smooth, safe appointment. Afterwards, we’ll give you instructions about any signs to look out for, such as possible sleepiness or dizziness.
Our Pediatric Training
As a pediatric dental office, we have experience addressing the special needs and concerns associated with administering sedation to children. But you should never feel too scared to ask us if it’s possible to do the procedure without any dental sedation, and to ask for specifics about our training and experience with dental sedation. We can help ease any concerns or doubts you may have.
Your Child’s Safety Is Our Priority!
At Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry, our work is centered around your child’s health, and that includes taking their safety very seriously. We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have about dental sedation for your child. Call or email us today.
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