Want to fill your child’s Easter basket with tooth-friendly sweets? At Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry, we are here to help you choose Easter Bunny approved candy.
Chocolate is a great option for your child’s Easter basket, and one of the best kinds of candy for their teeth. Unlike hard and crunchy candies, chocolate is soft. Therefore, it melts in your mouth so your child isn’t at risk for chipping their teeth. Another benefit of chocolate being soft is that parts of the candy don’t get stuck in your child’s mouth. Sticky candies put your child at greater risk for developing cavities. Not only does the sugar get stuck on your child’s teeth but it also stays there until it is brushed away. Chocolate can easily be washed away with a glass of water.
Sugar Free Candy
Sugar free candy is a great option for Easter candy. If you select hard sugar free candies, you’ll need to be watchful so your child doesn’t bite down and crack a tooth. But with sugar free candy, you don’t need to be as concerned because the bacteria in their mouth won’t have any sugar to feed on. Further, sugar free candy often contains a sugar alternative called xylitol. This is actually good for your oral health because it stimulates saliva flow. Saliva is beneficial because it remineralizes your teeth to keep your enamel strong and able to protect against decay.
Candy to Avoid
All sticky candies are best avoided but some of the worst candy for your child’s teeth are sour gummies. They hit their teeth with a double whammy: the sticky sugar and the tooth-damaging acid that makes the candy taste sour. Candies that are excessively chewy and hard at the same time can also damage teeth.
Homemade Baked Goods
While these may not be considered candy, homemade baked goods are a good sweet alternative to include in your child’s Easter basket. With homemade baked goods, you can control the ingredients and more importantly, the amount of sugar. Oatmeal cookies are a great treat because they are generally lower in sugar than other cookies. There are many recipes out there that substitute things like applesauce and bananas for some of the sugar. Another great option for making teeth-friendly Easter basket treats is to use vegetables like zucchini, pumpkin, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes in your baking. These veggies are low in sugar and high in vitamins and minerals that are good for your child’s teeth.
Healthy Smiles at Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry
Another important way to keep your child’s teeth happy and healthy is by coming in for regular checkups and cleanings. Contact our San Antonio office today to schedule an appointment.