Children change quickly as they get older. Those changes include getting baby teeth. Most parents think about their child’s development and wonder if they’re where they should be. While every child can be a bit different, there’s a general timeline that baby teeth follow. Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry wants you to know what to expect.
Children Between 6–12 Months Old
Around 6 months, your baby’s first few incisor teeth will likely come in. Teething can cause your child’s gums to become tender and swollen. Teething babies also drool more than usual. When a baby’s first tooth erupts, it’s time to bring them in for their first appointment! By your child’s first birthday, they could have as many as eight teeth. If your child doesn’t have any teeth by the time they turn 1-year old, we still recommend they come in for a checkup.
Children Between 16-24 Months
A child’s first molars and upper and lower canine teeth usually come in around this time. The molars provide a nice, flat surface for chewing, while the sharp canines help with gripping and breaking food. By two years old, your child will likely have 16 teeth.
Children Over 2 Years-Old
The second molars come in next. Your child has a pair on the top and bottom. By the time your child is three-years-old, they’ll likely have a full set of baby teeth!
The Importance of Healthy Baby Teeth
While baby teeth fall out eventually, it’s still important to keep them healthy. Until your child can brush their own teeth, it’s your job to keep their smiles clean and strong. Every six months, bring them to our San Antonio office for a routine cleaning and exam so we can make sure everything is on track. We’ll also catch any problems before they become more serious! Preventive care at Shaenfield Pediatric Dentistry includes exams and dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and space maintainers. If you have any questions about the teething schedule or our services, please contact us!