It’s never too early to instill healthy dental habits in your kids. Whether that means establishing a routine of brushing teeth at home or making sure your kids are accustomed to visiting our office for check ups every six months or so, these activities can help kids understand that dental care is a regular part of their lives. Another great way to protect your child’s teeth is through preventive dentistry treatments. We’ve rounded up a list of 5 important treatments for kids that can keep their pearly whites strong for years to come.
- Fluoride Treatments
- Teeth Cleanings
- Dental Sealants
- Dental Fillings
- Mouth Guards
Many communities added fluoride to their water supply to protect teeth and fight cavities. However, some kids may benefit from an additional fluoride treatment. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and can counteract some of those sweet treats and drinks that kids love to enjoy. Fluoride can also minimize tooth sensitivity.
Our dentists and the American Dental Association recommend that kids receive a professional dental cleaning twice per year. A professional cleaning is the best way to remove pesky plaque and tartar before it leads to problems like cavity and decay. Regular teeth cleanings also allow our team to keep a close eye on the development of your child’s teeth and treat any emerging issues before they become serious.
Dental sealants can reduce the risk of your child developing cavities. Sealants are made from a clear material that we spread over the surface of the tooth. The sealant hardens and acts as a protective barrier between the tooth and cavity-causing bacteria.
Sometimes parents are surprised to learn that we use fillings to treat cavities in baby teeth. Just because your child will eventually lose their baby teeth does not mean they’re not important. If a baby tooth is damaged by a cavity, we usually opt to treat it with a dental filling or crown. This preserves the health of the natural tooth and helps the adult tooth come in properly.
If your kids play youth sports, investing in a mouth guard is a great idea. A well-made mouth guard protects your child’s teeth and gums from impact and can prevent common injuries like chipped or cracked teeth. Our team would be happy to create a custom-fitted mouthguard for your child during their next visit to our office.
Preventive Care in San Antonio, TX
No matter your age, preventive dental care can protect your smile and reduce your risk for common dental ailments. To ask our team any questions or to schedule your next appointment, call our office today!